We are currently welcoming small groups of musicians with the hope to re-launch our choir in the Fall of 2021.
All Men are Welcome!
We meet the 2nd Saturday of the month.
8:00 a.m. at Hoover’s Restaurant.
Our purpose is to seek to know Jesus Christ more, develop a creative and unique fellowship with other men pursuing Jesus, provide opportunities for spiritual growth and development, and perform acts of compassion, justice, worship, and devotion.
Our meetings consist of a breakfast, fellowship, and Bible study.
All Women are Welcome!
We meet at 9:30 a.m. the 2nd Wednesday of the month.
Our purpose is to know God better, develop a creative and supportive fellowship with each other, and participate in the global ministries of the Church to expand our concepts of missions.
Our meetings consist of a program (spiritual growth, social issue, or geographical study), business meeting, and fellowship lunch.
At 9:30 AM there is a coffee social and at 10:00 AM the program and business meeting.
Local Outreach Activities
- Visitation and cookie delivery to shut-ins
- Health Kits & School Kits
- Collect paper products for Neighborhood Center
- Collect UPC Labels & Box Tops for Education
- Prayer Shawl making and distribution
- Holiday Bazaar Fundraiser
- Mother-Daughter Banquet
- Local Educational Trips
Pledge to Missions
- Financial giving to the United Methodist District for mission projects
- Financial giving to Neighborhood Center in Harrisburg
- Financial giving to The Homeless Shelter
- Women In Need
For more information about Calvary’s United Methodist Women’s group, or to participate,
please contact the church office at 717-352-3715.